How do I reset my Mobile Access password from within the Axiis Tenant app?

Step 1:  From the Axiis Tenant app, under Mobile Access, go to the Login screen.  Enter your email and click the ‘Continue’ button.




Step 2: Click the link for “Forgot your password?”.  This will bring up a new screen.


Step 3:  Enter your email address and click the ‘Continue’ button



Step 4:  Click the link for ‘Forgotten Password’



Step 5:  When the red banner pops up, click the OK button.  (The email won’t be sent until you have clicked the OK button)



Step 6:  Wait for the message that pops up stating “We received your Reset Password Request and just sent you a confirmation email.”  Now you can check your email to obtain your temporary password, which will be entered on this screen.



Step 7:  Look for your temporary password.  The temporary password will be in between the quotation marks “ “.  If you are able, highlight the password and then select ‘Copy’.  Also, if you include the quotation marks “ “ then the password reset will fail.  In the example below the temporary password is:   hz(Q68

Please note that the temporary password will expire in 15 minutes, so if you don’t reset within that time period, you will need to request a new temporary password again.



Step 8:  Enter the temporary password that you obtained from the email into the password field.  Next click the “Login” button to continue.



Step 9:  You should be taken to a screen that will allow you to select a New Password.  Please enter your new password and then re-enter it to confirm it meets all the requirements for your organization.  Click the Save button to continue.



Step 10:  Click the ‘Back’ arrow button on the app once you have the confirmation that your password has been reset.



Step 11:  Enter your New Password into the Login page in the Axiis Tenant app and click the Login button to finish.


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