What do I do if I forgot my password?

A forgotten password can be resolved on the Safetrust Wallet and on the Credential Manager portal.

--On the Safetrust Wallet on your phone:

  1. Enter your Email address and tap Next.
  2. Tap on "Forgot your Password?"
  3. Tap "Yes" on the next prompt screen.
  4. A temporary password will be generated and sent to the email account registered with your Safetrust account. (There will be a "Reset Password" link to start the process. Alternately you can copy the temporary password from your email (all characters between the quotes - including the quotes will result in an error), and proceed to enter your new password in the respective entry fields, bypassing steps 5, 6 and 7)
  5. Open the email on your phone and tap on the "Reset Password" button and follow the steps
  6. When prompted, Tap Open to open the page in the Safetrust Wallet.
  7. This will auto fill the temporary password and prompt you for a New Password and Confirm Password.

      Once completed, you will be logged into the Safetrust Wallet.

-- On the Credential Manager portal:  (access.safetrust.com)

  1. Enter the Email address - username in Safetrust. Click "Continue". Click on the “Forgot your Password?” link located underneath the Login button.
    1. A pop up window stating that a password change request has been sent to your email address.  Click OK on that window to close it.
    2. A temporary password will be generated and sent to the email account registered with your Safetrust account.
    3. Open the Email on your device and click on the "Reset Password" button.
    4. This will automatically open your default browser and enter the temporary password.
    5. Enter your new password and re-enter it in the "Confirm New Password" field.  Click the Save button to continue.
    6. You will automatically be logged out of the Credential Manager. To log back in, use your new password.
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