A forgotten password can be resolved on the Safetrust Wallet and on the Credential Manager portal.
--On the Safetrust Wallet on your phone:
- Enter your Email address and tap Next.
- Tap on "Forgot your Password?"
- Tap "Yes" on the next prompt screen.
- A temporary password will be generated and sent to the email account registered with your Safetrust account. (There will be a "Reset Password" link to start the process. Alternately you can copy the temporary password from your email (all characters between the quotes - including the quotes will result in an error), and proceed to enter your new password in the respective entry fields, bypassing steps 5, 6 and 7)
- Open the email on your phone and tap on the "Reset Password" button and follow the steps
- When prompted, Tap Open to open the page in the Safetrust Wallet.
- This will auto fill the temporary password and prompt you for a New Password and Confirm Password.
Once completed, you will be logged into the Safetrust Wallet.
-- On the Credential Manager portal: (access.safetrust.com)
- Enter the Email address - username in Safetrust. Click "Continue". Click on the “Forgot your Password?” link located underneath the Login button.
- A pop up window stating that a password change request has been sent to your email address. Click OK on that window to close it.
- A temporary password will be generated and sent to the email account registered with your Safetrust account.
- Open the Email on your device and click on the "Reset Password" button.
- This will automatically open your default browser and enter the temporary password.
- Enter your new password and re-enter it in the "Confirm New Password" field. Click the Save button to continue.
- You will automatically be logged out of the Credential Manager. To log back in, use your new password.